The NKUoA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory
Conatus - Journal of Philosophy relies on a double blind peer review process to secure the quality, validity and academic integrity of its content. All submitted manuscripts will be assessed by the Editor (or the Editors) to ensure on the one hand that they fall within the scope of the Journal, and on the other that they abide by the academic standards the Journal embraces. Those manuscripts that meet the Journal’s criteria will - by standard procedure that guarantees double blind review - be channeled to independent (to wit, not affiliated with the same institute as the author) expert reviewers, two at least, for anonymous peer review. The final decision concerning the acceptance for publication rests with the Editor. These apply to all research papers submitted to the Journal.
Book reviews, interviews, introductory notes or editorials (in the case of special issues) will be accepted for publication after being reviewed only by the Editor or Editors.